Looj Gutter Cleaning Robot

We were very skeptical that the Looj would be able to get our gutters anything close to clean. Household robotic machines, after all, are best at routine tasks like making coffee or grinding the beans to put into the coffee maker. Cleaning our gutters is anything but predictable. There aren’t only loose leaves up there but packed pine needles, twigs, rodents (both alive and not), sticks, mud, Frisbees and an old set of our car keys.

Enter the Looj, a miniature light-weight tank-like device fronted by a bristle capable of rotating at 500 RPM. The Looj’s handle doubles as the remote control. So cleaning your gutters is, theoretically, simply a matter of climbing up a ladder to your roof (the Looj comes with a belt clip so you can use both hands to climb), placing the device in the gutter, detaching the handle and using the remote control to send your Looj back and forth. This is also how it worked for us in reality — mostly.

The Looj is excellent at anything loose no matter the size. It had a harder time completely cleaning out anything that was packed down, especially mud. It did clear out some of the mud, enough to allow for the free flow of water (which is the point of cleaning the gutters, no?), but not as much as we would have doing the job by hand.

Then again, using the Looj is much faster than cleaning by hand. The ideal solution would be to use a Looj to clean your gutters more often than you would by hand, preventing anything from getting packed down to begin with. Now if only they’d back a robot to clean our windows.

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